Regenerating Puppet certificates
Bleeding Heart
Following the Heartbleed bug and as all Debian stable (wheezy for the time being) are affected and as the puppetmaster is running on debian it is a good idea to regenerate the puppet certificates, here is a quick how-to when using puppet with passenger on debian wheezy.
Please refer to the official documentation.
On the puppet master
service apache2 stop
cp -r /var/lib/puppet/ssl ~/puppet-ssl-backup
rm -rf /var/lib/puppet/ssl/*
# Kill the master once the CA and certs have been generated using ctrl+c
puppet master --no-daemonize --verbose
service apache2 start
Now a new CA has been created in /var/lib/puppet/ssl, and a cert for the master has been generated and signed, and all the existing agent certificates are now unknown to the CA.
puppet cert list --all
The puppetdb certificates should also be updated.
rm /etc/puppetdb/ssl/*
puppetdb ssl-setup
service puppetdb restart
Launch the agent on the master to check that everything is OK.
puppet agent -tv
On the puppet agents
Stop the agent if it is running and clean the SSL dir.
service puppet stop
rm -rf /var/lib/puppet/ssl/*
Launch the agent to generate a cert and wait for the cert to be signed.
puppet agent -tv --waitforcert 60
puppet cert list
puppet cert sign