Maintaining Freebsd Ports

Post covering how to maintain FreeBSD ports.

My requirements – wishes

  • Building in a clean environment with isolation from the host system
  • Being able to work as a non-privileged user as much as possible
  • Having clear and simple workflow to:
    • Create new ports
    • Update existing ports


See Building FreeBSD ports.

Setting the tools up

I will make use of doas to run the commands as root.

# All my git repositories are kept under ~/repos
cd ~/repos

# Clone official FreeBSD port tree
git clone freebsd-ports
# Create a work ports tree
doas poudriere ports -c -m null -M /home/baptiste/repos/freebsd-ports -p work

# create a new local overlay to use in poudriere when creating ports
git clone
doas poudriere ports -c -m null -M /home/baptiste/repos/freebsd-ports-custom -p custom

# Check existing port trees
doas poudriere ports -l
# Setup work env to point to local clone
export PORTSDIR=$HOME/repos/freebsd-ports
export DISTDIR=$PORTSDIR/distfiles
export PORT_DBDIR=$HOME/var/db/ports

# Create a branch or checkout existing one to work with
doas git branch my_port
doas git checkout -b my_port

# Copy files from the port overlay if needed
cp -rv ~/repos/freebsd-ports-custom/security/my_port $PORTSDIR/security/
# Compare files if needed
diff -ur ~/repos/freebsd-ports-custom/security/my_port $PORTSDIR/security/my_port

# Open port work directory
cd $PORTSDIR/security/my_port

# Do work to create or update the port
# Edit the Makefile, bump version and so on
vim Makefile
# Update distfiles and checksums
make makesum

Run additional specific steps

Refer to:

# Upate go depencencies
make gomod-vendor >
# Copy changes, omitting changes on dexidp:dex (to be confiremd)
vimdiff Makefile.deps
# Do changes as needed if next commands encoutner errors
# It may be required to fix some versions
# looking at the proper version info at the upstream repos, ex:
# Update distfiles checksums for go modules
# Update distfiles checksums for go modules
make makesum
# Update cargo crates
make cargo-crates >> Makefile
# Merge cargo-crates update

Update package list

# Check if plist changed
make makeplist

Lint and test port

# Lint port
portlint -A
# Test using poudriere testport, and our work port tree
doas poudriere testport -j 14-1-amd64 -p work -o security/rbw
# If failing, it's possible to launch an interactive session
doas poudriere testport -j 14-1-amd64 -p work -o security/rbw -i -v -v

Once test are OK, publish changes back to the custom port overlay

# Clean port work directory once finalised
make clean
diff -ur $PORTSDIR/security/rbw ~/repos/freebsd-ports-custom/security/rbw
cp -rv $PORTSDIR/security/rbw ~/repos/freebsd-ports-custom/security/

# Commit changes to the work branch
doas git add .
doas git status
doas git commit -am 'Bump rbw to 1.12.1'

# Create a patch
doas git format-patch origin/main

# Switch back to main branch
doas git checkout main
doas git pull

# Rebase rbw work branch from main to get latest changes
doas git pull rebase origin/main rbw

Use case: updating rbw version and sending a new patch

cd ~/repos/freebsd-ports-custom/security/rbw
# Update version
vim Makefile

# Review and commit changes
git commit -am 'Update rbw to 1.12.1'
# Push changes remotely
git push
# Update and merge portshaker repositories
doas portshaker
# Test updated port, moving to interactive use to be able to update the Makefile
doas poudriere testport -j 14-1-amd64 -p main -o security/rbw -i
su -
# Update cargo crates
# FIXME: this reports issues
# Not validating first entry in CATEGORIES due to being outside of PORTSDIR.
make cargo-crates >> Makefile
# Merge cargo-crates update
vim Makefile
# Update sums
make makesum
#XXX: get changes from the jail to update the ports tree outside of the Jail

# Push changes to customised branch
cd ~/repos/freebsd-ports/security/rbw/
cp -rv ~/repos/freebsd-ports-custom/security/rbw/* .

# Commit changes to rbw branch or to a new branch
git fetch
git rebase origin/main rbw
# Squash changes if the updated port is not yet in the tree
git rebase -i ...
# Review changes
git diff origin/main
# Create a patch
git format-patch origin/main

Make a patch to send to bugzilla

cd ~/repos/freebsd-ports
# Update main branch
git checkout main
git pull
# Create a new branch
git checkout -b rbw
# Rebase the branch for main if it was already created
git rebase origin/main rbw
# Add changes from personal repo
cp -riv ~/repos/freebsd-ports-custom/security/rbw  ~/repos/freebsd-ports/security/ 
# Commit changes
git add security/rbw
git commit -am 'Add rbw port'
# Create a patch from origin
git format-patch origin/main
# Propose 0001-Add-rbw-port.patch via bugzilla

To be followed

  • Submit update using a PR in GitHub


Here is some documentation I followed to set this up, thanks to all the authors.