Mail server migration
Migrating a mail server from one server (FreeBSD physical server) to another one (Debian virtual machine) without loosing mails.
Mail server
Retrieving mails from other email providers
- fetchmail (cron)
crontab -e
*/3 * * * * $HOME/bin/getmymailnow > /dev/null
if [ -f "$LOCKFILE" ]; then
PID=$(cat "$LOCKFILE")
if ! ps $PID 2> /dev/null; then
echo "Ignoring stalled lock file" >&2
echo "Script already running (PID=$PID)" >&2
exit 1
fetchmail -a -s -m "procmail -d %T" 2>&1
echo $! > $LOCKFILE
exit 0
Tools used for local/virtual mail handling
- Postfix
- Dovecot
- Spamassassin
- roundcube
- procmail
- fetchmail
- bind
Initial step
Create required users on new server
Configure postfix on new server as it was on old one
- remove mail domain from mydestination to old server
- set relayhost to old server
If different domain should be relayed to different places:
transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport_maps
domain.tld smtp:[mail.plop.tld]
postmap /etc/postfix/transport_maps
service postfix restart
- Update MX in DNS conf to use new server
All mails should now go to new server, and this one will relay mails to old server.
- Install dovecot on new server
- Migrate and update conf, see upgrading dovecot
- Migrate/update required certificates
- Make an initial copy of the mailstores to the new server using rsync
rsync -avz --stats ~plop/Maildir -e ssh plop@new.server.tld:
- Validates that imap/dovecot is working as expected
openssl s_client -connect new.server.tld:993
a01 login plop the_PassWord
a03 logout
Copy spamassassin conf (global/local) to new server (and review it)
Copy procmailconf to new server (and review it)
Copy fetchmail conf (global/local) to new server (and review it)
Install postgresql on new server
Migrate roundcube postgres database/user
- Database dump have to be updated as postgres user name is different
sed -i 's/pgsql/postgres/g' roundcube.sql
Install roundcube on new server
Update roundcube conf
Validate that roundcube is working as expected
Wait at least a week to ensure that DNS will be up-to-date with new MX (and check that you have a small DNS TTL)
Update DNS entries for SPF
Final step - including small downtime
- Stops email fetching on old server
- Stops postfix on old server
- Stops dovecot on old server
- Stops roundcube vhost on old server
- Make an incremental copy of the mailstores, deleting no more present emails using rsync
rsync -avz --delete-after --stats ~plop/Maildir -e ssh plop@new.server.tld:
- Configure postfix on new server:
- disable relaying to old server
- fix mydestination
- Switch IPs (or hostnames if not possible) to new server
- Update required hostnames in new server
- Update roundcube postgres database
- Enable email fetching on new server
- Configure postfix on old server to relay mails to new server
- Clean old server
- Clean DNS conf
No emails should be lost as if the server is not available, the contacting servers should hold and resend the mails.